マインドフルネスという言葉、聞いたことありますか?かなりポピュラーになってきている言葉です。英語だとmindfulness、直訳すると、意識を満たしたあり方、つまり今の瞬間に意識をちゃんと存在させているあり方です。 瞑想は、そもそも解脱のために行われていました。この世俗から解放されるための修行の一部です。でも、仏教に基づくマインドフルネスは、今ここにあることを慈しみを持って観ることを教えています。100%そこに存在すること、そこに幸せのヒントがあるのです。例え状態が苦しかったとしても、です。
Mindfulness is a buzz word it seems. But what does it mean to live it out?
Meditation used to be done to be free from suffering. But mindfulness, based on Buddhist philosophy, teaches that by staying in the present moment, you can find happiness and serenity, even if the circumstance is difficult (because let's face it, life is difficult at times!).
This year's overnight yoga retreat focused on living out mindfulness in out everyday action. That meant mindfully moving our body through yoga, mindfully using our senses as we felt objects and touched our body, eating mindfully as we savoured the beautifully crafted vegan meals, enjoying each step as we walked by the river, and listening deeply to our own intentions and each other's stories.
Each retreat is special because there will never be another retreat with the exact same participants. That's why it felt extra meaningful that there were 9 of us from 6 different countries, from different backgrounds, and we could all be in the same space and be intentionally experiencing all that was unfolding in that moment.
After the retreat, we also had a fun cooking workshop where Nao-san taught us how to make "kasaneni", a macrobiotic vegan cooking method that can be transformed into so many dishes in a short time.
Retreats are meaningful and special in that moment, but the most important thing is how do we bring back what we received into our everyday life. I've been practicing eating meditation more and enjoying the simple act of slowing down and being in the moment. I want to keep doing that when I eat by myself, so I can cultivate a way of happiness and peace right where I am.
The next retreat is a day retreat in Yokohama on February 1st. It will be a time for setting your intention for the new year through listening to your body and heart. Only 8 spots are available so save the date if you're interested. Registration will open in January.
As the season changes, may we continue to find a way to cultivate love and peace within, so that we can bring that into the world, which is in need of them more than ever.