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喜びを見つける Finding Joy




  • 仕事での喜び:周りの人が、ヨガや介助を通して自分の心や体と繋がったり、心や体がリフレッシュするのを見る時。(脳性麻痺の方のヘルパーもしているので)

  • 自分自身への喜び:生き生きしている時。周りに美しさや命を見つける時。人と繋がるとき。

  • 家族への喜び:日常生活を共にできること。大小様々な決断を、話し合って決めて行けること。親密さ。お互いが生き生きしているところ。


  • 責任。余裕のなさ。ねばならない、という思い。



At a recent mindfulness yoga class, the teacher asked us to focus on positive and pleasant sensations in our body. This was so important for me, as it's easy to think more about the negative aspects, such as pain or stiffness in our body, or irritation or loneliness in our heart. It is important to notice the negative things because they are part of who we are, and when we do, we need to acknowledge what we have gone through and let yourself know that you are loved and cared for. But if we focus only on our negative aspects, it's easy to lose touch with things like beauty, gratitude, and joy.

This month's theme in class is JOY. So I took time to reflect on what my own sense of joy is, and what takes away joy.

  • Joy in work: Seeing people connect to themselves in body, heart, and mind, and feel refreshed

  • Joy in myself: Seeing life in myself and all around me in nature, connecting with people

  • Joy in family: Creative action, problem solving, intimacy, seeing each other flourish

  • What takes away joy: obligation, dread for what I have to do, not having margins, feeling responsible

The last one was important to remember so I can reflect on my life and make choices that don't foster things that kill joy. Focusing on joy helps us to know that we are full of good things and be grateful for that. This isn't necessarily circumstantial. Life may feel mundane at the moment, or hard. But there are seeds of joy in you, and when you return to them, it helps your heart become resilient and supple in different seasons of life. So... what gives YOU joy?





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