I've always been bad at self care. I thought I needed to prioritize my friends, or do everything I can to do well at school or the number of extracurricular activities I did. Of course they were all good, but I often found myself getting sick, or my emotions exploding as I hit rock bottom.
My tendency to work hard and serve others took me to the slums of Cambodia, and to the post disaster zone in Miyagi. I learned so much during those years. One of the most important thing was this: "Chami. You are precious. You are loved as you are, even if you can't do anything. And it's okay to care for yourself because you are worth it."
Even with these words of truth that I've received, I'm still not great at caring for myself! It's so easy to overdo things. And what's worse is I KNOW what I should do to care for myself but I don't.
Earlier this month, I took two weeks out to go study ayurveda and yoga. During those days I got to really focus on myself, and on what I was learning and experiencing and issues that came up. Through all of that, I became so aware of how tired and worn out and depleted I was. I also learned that just as there are characteristics to the energy in myself, there are characteristics to my environment and all my activities. Here's the basic rule of ayurveda:
Similar characteristics attract and become stronger, and opposite characteristics weaken and balance.
So no wonder when I'm depleted, I choose to do things that exasperate that, like cleaning frantically, going over the same worries in my mind, or binge watching or eating. Or say yes to everything. Even though I know the antidote is slowing down, nurturing myself, and doing things with mindfulness and love.
But I do want to take baby steps, not out of guilt but because I really do need to and want to care for myself, especially as the weather becomes drier and colder and the season gets busier. So I've started oiling after showers and baths with warming sesame oil. Choosing pranayama (breath practice) that's warming and slow. Asking myself how I am in the morning to choose yoga practice that is nurturing. And making myself a cup of warm milk with cinnamon and honey if I'm about to start binge eating at night. When I do, I fill myself with love and care for myself. I'm speaking the words of truth over myself: You are loved. You are worth it.
#selfcare #yogaislife #ayurveda #oiling #yokohamayoga #セルフケア #ヨガは生き方 #アーユルヴェーダ #オイリング #横浜英語ヨガ