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  • 執筆者の写真Chami

バランスが崩れたとき When I Get Off Balance

「ヨガっぽいですよね」という言葉を聞くことがあるけれど、これってどういう意味だろう?一回ある人に聞いてみたら、「自然と調和が取れている」的なことを言っていた。もちろんヨガが目指すことは、体と心と精神が一つになること。さらにその先には、この世界の根底に流れているエネルギー、宇宙のエネルギーと一つになること。(この意味は、人によって解釈違ってもちろん当然だと思ってます!)平和は外的要因ではなく、内になることに気づくこと。(English below)







"You seem like you're a yoga person." Some people tell me this. What does it mean though? I asked once, and this person told me, "Yoga people look like they have harmony with nature." Yoga means to unite, to unite your body, heart, and mind. And ultimately, to unite with the universe, the energy that connects all living things (whatever this means for you).

But what to do when you lose this balance? When you go down a dark spiral, choosing things that are life-taking, not life-giving?

Of course we all want inner peace. To be gentle with yourself and others. But ordinary life doesn't go that well. So we have a choice, to withdraw or to lean in. Lean into your inner chaos, the clunky conversation with those you love, into hard and disturbing things happening around the world. Things are off balance. But when you choose one moment, one thing, of beauty, it could become a point of reference to turn towards balance. Balance is a spectrum. Not black and white. Even when doing a balance pose, it's impossible to be completely still. Your breath is always moving, and your constantly making choice to focus on a focal point. These momentary choices make who we are.

So what to do when you lose balance.

When I practice yoga, I choose to smile and not get too serious when I lose balance. In my normal life, when I want to swear at my self, I choose to pat myself on the back for realizing my off-balance-ness. I also tend to be influenced by my surroundings, so I sometimes choose to change my environment. Go on a walk. Go to a cafe. Light a candle, and turn on my favorite piece of music. But when that's not possible, I simply close my eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine life pouring into the deepest part of my heart, then sigh everything out, letting go of things that I do not need. Of course there's no magic to this. It's always a movement towards, that's what balance is about.

If you'd like to try to find your inner balance, try the tree pose. The key to push into the middle line, and to also feel the energy going up and rooting down. And if you fall, don't forget to smile :)



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