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The Art of Living Out Your Intention 意図を実践する秘訣

Happy New Year! Whether you feel like it's a new season or not, 2025 is here. Some of you may have new year's resolution, and some of you may have slipped into the new year without much thought. I don't usually set new year's resolution, to be honest. I'm already a very task oriented person, and I find it much more helpful to have a deep desire, an intent, that is connected to how I truly want to live. Usually, as the year goes on, if I'm true to my intention, the actions arise.

So that's me! One quick reflection I had today though, was how hard it is to keep returning to my intention. And one way I was able to do that was to find space between my daily activities. I often think of the in-between times as a time for squeezing in an extra errand, or scrolling on social media. But today, I had extra 15 minutes after drop-off and catching my train. I rode my bike at a normal speed, parked with ease, and walked slowly, noticing what was between the bike parking lot and the station. That's when I realized, this is where intention becomes daily practice.

My intention is "Let Go." Let go into... space, trust, hope, love, ease, joy. Into that deep knowing that I am always held, no matter what. When I honored that extra time, as a time to be present, I was able to lean into my intention.

How will I keep living out this intention? First is to consider transition time or waiting time as not "wasted time" but time to be present. And second is to have a tangible daily practice. I want to be better at having my own yoga and meditation practice in the morning, by waking up early (I'm saying it here so I can keep myself accountable). That's because I know when I'm connected to my body, and when my mind is quiet, I can be reminded that it's okay to let go. I also visualized that sense of letting go, and painted a light green color to symbolize that felt sense. Now I have it on the wall so I can see it first thing when I open my eyes.

Whether you feel refreshed or tired, the practice of yoga (union) is always here for us. Let's live out yoga, on and off the mat, again this year.


今年の私の意図はLet goです。手放す、というより、安心して背中を大きな川の流れに預けて浮かんでいくイメージです。支えてくれるその流れは、希望であり、愛であり、喜びです。

でも問題は、この意図をどうやって生きるのか、どうやって実践していくか、です。今日ふと感じたことがとても役立ったので、シェアしたくなりました。「スキマ時間」という言葉。皆さんはどんな時にスキマ時間があると思いますか?そしてどんなことをしますか?今日保育園の送りの後、乗りたい電車まで時間がありました。いつもだとバタバタしているけれど、今日はゆっくり駅に向かい、自転車を停めて、その後スキマ時間が15分。でもスキマ時間って、大事なことの合間の大事ではない時間、という意識だと思うのですが、その時、この15分が私にとってすごい大切なんだ!と思ったのです。駐輪場からゆっくり駅に歩きながら、深呼吸して。その時、私は豊かさにLet goしていたのです。







#意図 #新年 #瞑想 #ヨガ #intention #newyear #meditation #yoga





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