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  • 執筆者の写真Chami

希望は行動 Stepping out with Hope

3.11の7周年が過ぎた。震災のあとのボランティアと復興支援に3年関わった私にとって、3.11は私の人生をも大きく変えた出来事だった。絶望、悲しみ、涙、怒りと共に、多くの人が感謝と希望を持って歩んで行くのを見させてもらった。その歩みは、もちろん差はたくさんあるけれど、実を結んでいる。(立ち上げに関わった雇用プロジェクトのMegumi Projectは、写真にある女川町で古い着物から美しいリメイク品を生み出しています。)






#311を振り返って #女川 #恵プロジェクト #希望のステップ


The 7 year anniversary of March 11 tsunami came and went. For me, this catastrophic event changed my life as well, as I spent 3 years being involved in the re-development initiatives in Miyagi prefecture. There were so much grief and anger and devastation. But I also witnessed a lot of gratitude, joy, and hope. The process of recovery looks different for many people, but there are beautiful fruits that have come out of that day. (You can check out the social enterprise that I helped start called Megumi Project in Onagawa, the town pictured above. They transform vintage kimonos into beautiful fashion items.)

Today I want to write about the word HOPE. What does this word mean to you? If you look it up, this comes up on wikipedia: "Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large." I'm sure all of us have some hope for the future, whether it's job or relationship related.

But there are definitely circumstances or situations that feel hopeless.

March 11 2011 was that. Human society and normal life was crushed by nature, swept away, completely demolished. Loved ones were lost, regrets for caring words that were unspoken, future potentials gone in an instant. Looking back over these 7 years, it's far from being back to normal. Actually, you can't go back to normal. But there is a path that many have created by walking forward. I recently heard hope defined as, "Remembering the past, and with courage, stepping out to create that which you hope for." This is so much more than simple wishing. This is an act of connecting your past to the future, and of active agency. This is a way of paving the road that only you have walked on and only you can continue to journey on.

I remember the day when I articulated to my husband and myself that I want to teach yoga. And I am doing that right now. I have so much to learn, and I still need to diligently reach out to connect more with people, but when I look back, I remember the times when I grew so much through starting something new. I learned not just the skills and the techniques, but about myself. And remembering that, I can step out and do the next thing that I can do. The outcome may not come fast, but that is my act of hope lived out.

Maybe you remember that time when you were able to come through hardship with resilience. Maybe it's a story of your family, or your workplace. As you reflect, and also think about what's in front of you, what's your next action of hope?



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