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何かが変わっていく Something Is Shifting






Close your eyes for a moment and feel what kind of energy is in the air around you, in the society surrounding you. There's probably a lot of fear, anxiety, anger and grief. I doubt there is anyone who is not affected by this pandemic, to varied degrees, even if not on physical or financial level. I've been mostly trying to not take too much information in, to not be overly affected. But a question I heard recently has started to shift how I see things: "Who do you want to become through this situation?" That's when I realized, this too is a transformational process, if I choose to let it be that. I will be affected by it. I tried to imagine my life and the world 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year down the road. There's a big chance that we can't go back to how things used to be. There's going to be a financial crisis, and the economy will be bad. But what if the purpose is not go back but to birth something new?

There are so many things that are being forced out of our subconscious to the frontline. The fake certainty that we thought we had. That we haven't been prioritizing the people and things that are most precious to us. That there's always been plenty of time to rest and sleep. That there's something wrong with this economic system that destroys our planet, living things, and even ourselves. The arrogance of having thought that science and technology can save the world. The realization that there's something I/you/we have always wanted to do but had given up on.

What if... what if this season is the ridding of the old so that new life can begin again? Like winter, awaiting spring?

But it's not easy to just jump there. The fear, the anger, the grief, those are all real and important. That's why I want to share about Ahimsa, our theme from March. Non-harming is the direct translation, but I shared about it as a concept of actively finding kindness. Finding kindness in how you move on the mat. Finding kindness when you realize your mind had wandered off during meditation. Finding kindness for your loved ones. Finding kindness for the world. This might mean sleeping more than usual. Being emotional, and talking to people who understand you more. Or finding the time to be active and letting your body feel. Choosing activities that give you joy.

After a process of Ahimsa, may we find that something is shifting, is being born anew. That might take weeks, or months, or years! But we are on a journey, and through pandemic, this journey continues, together as the yoga community and as a global community.

#アヒムサ #ヨガ哲学 #コロナウイルス #優しさ #ahimsa #yogaphilosophy #covid19 #kindness





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