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流れを観る Watching the Flow




  • B=Breathe 呼吸 まずは深呼吸する。数回深呼吸するだけで、情報を追いかけていたり慌ただしかったマインドが、スーッと戻ってくる感じがする。体に戻ってくる感覚。ふと声をかける、お帰りなさい。

  • R=Relax リラックス 呼吸を深め始めると、自然と体が緩み始める。こんなところに力が入っていたんだ〜、と気づく。私の場合よくあるのが、顎、肩、お尻。意識的に緩めてあげる。

  • F=Feel 感じる 「今体は何を感じていますか?」これはクリパルヨガでよくある問いかけ。ただなんとなく体があるな、ではなくて、どういうところがどんな感じがするのか、その奥にはどんなエネルギーがあるのか、今回のモジュールでたくさん感じる時間があった。

  • W=Watch 観る 今感じていること、気づいていること、今流れていることをそのまま観てあげる。中から湧き上がってくる感情や、体の強い感覚に飲まれそうになるときに、少し立ち止まって見てあげるプロセスは、いっぱいいっぱいになっている3歳の私を、誰かが優しい眼差しで見つめていてくれる感覚。

  • A=Allow 委ねる あるがまま、そのまま受け入れてあげる。変えようとしない。これは意外と大変。今感じていることに対して、もっとこうなりたい、こうじゃなきゃ、とマインドがまたむくむくと活動し始める。それに気付きつつ、今感じてるそのままをハグしてあげる。




The last few months, all of us have been bombarded with an extraordinary amount of information. It's ridiculous how much we take in, in light of how much we can't be out and about. I've spent a lot of time reading news from not just Japan but from around the world. And it gets to be too much. My mind can't comprehend everything, and my heart simply can't respond to all the suffering, so I just consume basic facts and then run away without truly digesting or taking notice of what's happening within.

In contrast to this, the 10 day intensive I just finished with Kripalu Yoga Japan was a time of coming inward and noticing all that's happening with care and compassion. When you spend time with the same people for 10 days in the same space, a lot happens both internally and externally. I remember that on day 1, the energy I felt from everyone felt too much, almost intrusive. Then I realized it's simply because I haven't been able to be with a large group of people over the last 5 months. But as the module progressed and we were invited to observe the energy that arises after each pranayama practice (breathing practice), I found my awareness being drawn inward and staying there. It was like coming back to fully occupy my body and heart, a process that COVID had robbed me of to an extent.

Kripalu Yoga has a wonderful tool for awareness called BRFWA, which stands for Breathe, Relax, Feel, Watch, and Allow. These steps help us to see what's happening not just on the mat, but also in our daily lives. I want to share about each step below.

  • Breathe. This might seem so basic, but we're often so unaware of our own breath. Breathe several times deeply. That draws our mind back to our body, and there's a sense of home-coming.

  • Relax. Once again, seems basic, but our body is often tight with habitual patterns of holding. For me, I often find that my jaw, my shoulders, and my hip area are tight. So I intentionally breathe out as I let go of these tensions.

  • Feel. Feel physical sensations, emotional feelings, and energy that's behind it. This one is hard. We're often so removed from our physical sensations that we don't know what we're feeling. But moving my body into difficult poses, or intensely practicing energizing breath-work during the module made those feelings and sensations, very acute.

  • Watch. Once I recognize what I'm feeling, usually my judgement comes in. "It's because of xyz that you're feeling that." "You shouldn't feel that, be compassionate towards that person, don't be angry." "Why are you scattered? Focus on your yoga!" Etc. Oh my lovely mind that tells me so many things, trying to be helpful, but often not. So I take a breath, and tell my mind, it's okay. You can calm down. I'm here to watch what's going on, as it is.

  • Allow. This part for me is like walking over to the part of me that's feeling whatever she is feeling in the body, mind, or heart, and giving her a big hug. To let her know that she is okay just as she is. This part is what allows me to be free.

These steps helped me to truly own my learning experience over the ten days. The constant invitation to feel and to stay, without judgment, to get close to the nitty gritty parts of me, both the dark and the light, gave me the power to be fully me and own being me. That showed in how I did my practice teach, as I committed to being fully me, and to cultivate a space for others to be who they were in that teaching space. And the practice continues as I am now back home. What am I feeling? Can I let that be without judgment? Can I be compassionate and be loving? Can I surrender to the wave that is arising without changing it? This is the true practice of yoga, off the mat, as I live my everyday life.





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